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Homeopathic, Bach Flower Remedies & Iris Analysis (Iridology)



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How Homeopathy Is Used


Your first consultation with your homeopath will involve answering questions about your general life and past history.  The homeopath may ask you about your emotional state, lifestyle and family, sleep patterns etc.   These factors will help the homeopath to make a diagnosis as to what remedies to use for your health problem.

Your first homeopathic consultation will take about an hour and a half.  Some homeopaths will not make a diagnosis straight away and will want to work on your case before making a decision as to which remedies to use.  Follow up consultations are usually a month after the first session, but can be sooner, depending on the health problems.

Sometimes there is a slight aggravation with the remedies, but this should soon pass and is a sign that the remedy is working.  If the remedy has not helped your problem after a short while, then other remedies can be prescribed, as appropriate.  Modern day drugs can have unpleasant side effects and some can be serious.  Homeopathic medicine is safe,  gentle, non toxic or addictive and can be used for all ages with complete confidence.

It is advisable to take a remedy half an hour after eating and drinking and to avoid coffee or strong caffeine drinks as these do tend to negate the effects of homeopathy.

Here are a few of the more common remedies used by homeopaths.  There are more than 3,000 homeopathic  remedies, but the most commonly used are 50 remedies for the more general complaints such as:

Arnica (Leopards Bane)

This can be used for falls, for bruising and shock, whiplash injuries, past traumas that have never been resolved and continue to cause ill health.  Arnica cream/gel is excellent if used topically for bruising, as long as the skin is not broken.

Bryonia (Wild Hops)

Constipation, rheumatic pains, chest infections, stiff joints, backaches, symptoms worse for movement, chesty dry, coughs.

Nux Vom (Poison Nut)

A quick acting remedy for hangovers, indigestion, gastric upsets, anxiety.  It is perfect for the harassed businessman or  woman who drinks or smokes too much and it can be used as a detox after drugs or anesthetics.

Sepia (Ink of the Cuttlefish)

Mainly a woman’s remedy, hot flushes, change of life symptoms etc.  Acts best on brunettes.

Sulphur (Flowers of Sulphur)

Major skin remedy, infantile eczema, ringworm.  This remedy is often used at the

beginning of chronic cases and in finishing acute ones.

Rhus Tox (Poison Ivy)

Rheumatic pain, better for movement, stiffness, joints, tendons, fibrositis, sporting injuries, strained muscles.

Again,  at seasonal times, it is good to keep some homeopathic remedies to hand, such as when you are going ski-ing where there is a chance of accidents, when Arnica, Rhus Tox and Symphytum for bone breaks are especially useful.


When going to a hot environment with the possibility of insect bites, sunburn or travel sickness to contend with, these symptoms can be helped by Ledum, Apis, Cantharis and Tabacum and over the Christmas period when overeating and over indulging, Nux Vom and Carbo Veg come into their own.


Email:  enquiries@keetchhomeopathy.co.uk

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